I am sitting on the sofa by myself, watching TV. For this photo I turned off all the lights, closed the curtains and put the camera on self-timer on a little table.
Me pretending to be a ballet teacher. I put the camera on self-timer then ran back to be in my ballet position for the photo.
My Mum feeding my baby sister. My Mum was trying to feed her while my brother was making a silly face, so she’s eating and laughing at the same time.
My baby sister sleeping in my Mum’s bed. I like it when my baby sister is sleeping because she looks so cute.
A boy on a mini motorbike out on the estate. It’s kind of weird because it’s such a little motorbike and he’s got a helmet on.
My next door neighbour playing basket ball in my block of flats. I took this picture because I liked the way the light was coming in through the glass.
My friend trying to hide behind the slide in the park. She doesn’t come to my school and she felt shy of having her picture taken.
My old classroom with my teacher in the window. I waited for him to be still so that I could put him in the frame of the window.
A lady in the street. I like that one side of the picture is dark and one side is light.

Scary and Creepy
Tonight is the night
When the ghosts growl and vampires bite
When the floorboards jump and creep,
And spirits wander as we sleep,
Hide beneath your duvet cover,
Close your eyes,
Don’t scream for your mother,
Or they will know you are hiding there,
Don’t run away, they know how to scare,
You hear whispers, and your name is called,
Ghosts walk through the frozen walls,
A girl sits and watches television,
But she is watched too by ghosts on a mission
0m 28s
Listen to Sheila recite her poem