This is me praying on special prayer mats. I took this photo using the tripod and self-timer and I set it up so I could show the patterns on the prayer mats.
This is a picture of my brother and sister playing hide and seek. I like the way the light is coming through the window but my sister can’t see it.
My Mum walking down the corridor in our flat. I like this picture because my Mum looks like a model in it.
Me doing housework in the sitting room. I took this photo because I wanted to show that children can do housework too and in our house we all do.
My brother watching a TV programme. I like the way all the bright colour is on the TV and the rest of the photo looks black and white.
My arm with a flower painted on it. I took this photo using the self-timer and I arranged the picture so the background was all white.
My sister outside our flat. She is wearing my Mum’s jewellery and I think it made her feel safe like a lucky charm
This is the view from our balcony. I really wanted to take a bird’s eye view of outside my flat.
The flats opposite us at dusk. I wanted to capture all the different kinds of light at this time in the evening.
My sister’s friend playing the steel pans. It was a lovely day and I really liked how the sky looked with the pattern of the clouds.
My school’s summer fair. I stood on the table to try and get as many people as I could into the picture.
This is a picture of our headteacher Louise doing her work. I think it feels like the camera is spying on her.

Prayers Art
It is Eid and we are doing competitions, learning
The Quran by heart
Reciting it to sub Quasum
Prayer is an art
This mat is older than me
Blessed by my mother
My father rolled it up
And took it to Mecca
This mat is a map
Of who I will grow up to be
It will constantly guide me
Prayer sets me free.
0m 19s
Listen to Shakur recite his poem