My Mum talking to my sister in our sitting room. I liked shining through the curtains.
My sister and my cousins. My sister was moaning because she wanted to go to the shops.
My friend and my cousins drinking tea. My cousin comes round to my house a lot and we play.
A meal at my house. There were too many people to eat at the table so we eat on the floor.
My brother and sister fighting with slippers in the sitting room. I like that the man on the TV looks like he’s looking at my sister.
My brother playing on the floor. It looks like he has many hands because of the blurring of him moving.
The view from outside my flat. I was trying to get a bird’s eye view.
My Dad walking to the shops. I wanted to catch the sun shining on the building.
A boy on a bike in the humps and bumps part of the park. I think the shadow is really interesting; it looks like he’s really tall.
My brother playing football. He’d just shot the ball and jumped up and I took it while he was still in the air; it’s like he’s on an invisible skateboard.
Two men in the Square. I was trying to listen to what they were talking about but I couldn’t really hear.
A lady going into the shop. Three people are all looking in different directions in this photo.
Friends around the table at a Turkish wedding. I like going to weddings because there are lots of friends and cousins to play with.

My sister is in trouble again,
She ran away with her best friend,
And broke into London zoo,
Stole seven baboons and an elephant too,
She keeps them safe under the bed,
Keeps them happy and well fed,
In her wardrobe she also keeps,
Fourteen horses and half a sheep,
My sister is in trouble,
For stealing other people’s animals,
There is a shark in a toilet bowl,
And a red gorilla that she quietly stole,
And a tiger paced the fridge compartment,
Animals are taking over my apartment,
I am writing this standing on a chair,
Eye to eye with a killer bear.
0m 38s
Listen to Murat recite his poem