My mum, dad and baby brother. I thought about the angles for this picture and you can see a mysterious hand from the side.
My baby brother on the sofa. The angle the photo is taken, you can see my baby brother as well as my little sister’s kitchen on the other side of the room.
My little sister sleeping next to my mum. My mum didn’t not know I was taking this picture.
Me putting my clothes on to go to school. I put the camera on the table and used the self-timer to take this photo of myself.
My little sister. I like this picture because it looks like something big is looking down on my sister.
My mum speaking on the phone. The sun was shining behind her, so you can’t see her face making her look mysterious.
My mum and dad’s bedroom . I thought the colours of the three pants on the radiator really stood out.
The shadow of my hand. I like this because it’s simple.
Two old men in a cafe. I took this picture from many different angles, but this angle was the best.
Man telling police about an incident that just happened. I wanted to take this photo because the police made it look dramatic.
A lady holding a dog in Square. The dog tried to lick the camera as I knelt down to take this picture.
A roof closing on a car. I managed to catch this photo just before the roof closed.
My friends in a park. I wanted to take a photo when the swing was high.

I wish for you, my brother
To be well
To live your life in laughter
To succeed at school, I cast this spell
To be happy and healthy
To finish University
To be handsome
To be surrounded by friends
When the night comes
0m 21s
Listen to Mert recite his poem