Lam’s sister sleeping in her bed. She looks like she’s dreaming.
Lam’s sister on the computer. Lam’s brother and sister can both speak English really well but Lam can’t yet.
Lam’s family eating noodles. They are all looking at the TV while they’re eating.
Reflection in a bedroom mirror. The mirror is like a window in this picture.
Lam’s sister’s bedroom. It feels very quiet and peaceful in this picture.
Our class teacher teaching a science lesson. We were learning about liquids, gases and solids.
Lining up in our playground. The children line up in their class lines at the beginning of the day.
Nursery children painting. They’re all really concentrating on what they are doing.
Infant children ready to go on their holiday. Each year they go on a make believe holiday and their classroom is transformed into an aeroplane.

Lam’s Poem
Hahn was sleeping and dreaming
Dreaming what life would be like with my mother beside us
We would be complete
Nothing could beat us
We would be one
Make fun of my looks
We would be one
We will be knocked down but stand as one
We are from Vietnam
And we
0m 18s
Listen to Lam's poem (read by Awa)