My friend Femi at the Adventure Playground. I like the way the colours stand out especially the blues and greens.
My uncle and my dad watching the news. My Dad watches the news every evening before he goes to work.
My Mum putting her shoes on. She has lots of different shoes.
My sister doing her homework in her room. She’s at secondary school and she’s really fast at running.
My uncle and my dad in the sitting room. They are good friends and my uncle comes round a lot.
The lightbulb in my bedroom. I think it looks a bit like a fireball.

It was 6am when the boy began to climb,
On a piece of old frayed rope his mum used as a washing line.
He placed one hand above the other
Waved good bye to his sleeping mother
And left to visit his buried brother.
He worked his way slowly to the sky
The sun was God’s unblinking eye.
Soon he was climbing above the grey clouds
Looking at the gathering crowds
Who watched the boy who scaled to the moon, Wondering if he will come home soon.
Finally he reached the silver star
Dreams can take you very far
The police searched for him in their squad car.
0m 43s
Listen to Kevin recite his poem