The sky with an electrical wire. I made the line of the wire exactly in the middle of the photo and it looks really symmetrical.
The view from my bedroom window. I like this view a lot because it’s all different shades of green.
Looking through a glass tile near my flat. Everything looks really jumbled up together and it has funny shapes in, especially the fence.
A lady standing with her dog outside her flat. I like the way the photo makes them look like they’re trapped.
My brother doing a karate kick out on the fields. He looks really cool and like he’s not holding the goal post.
My bother on our balcony. I was really thinking about the reds, whites, greens and browns when I took this photo.
A brother and sister out on the street near my school. It looks like she’s the mum and he’s her son.
My friend near the adventure playground. She didn’t want me to take this photo so she covered her face.
A man rowing his boat down on the canal. I liked the way the shapes were reflected in the water.
A fire at adventure playground. I took this photo because I wanted to capture the smoke and flames of the fire.
The view from my balcony in the evening. I don’t like all the rubbish out on the streets on the estate.
A woman that has lots of real gold jewellery on. I didn’t know her but I asked her if I could take this picture of her gold jewellery.

The sky is bruised
I saw clouds plotting in the sun-moon light
Whispering like old men
Turning the day into dark night
As quickly as a page turned in a book
The people stood and silently looked
Something is coming the clouds are cats about to leap
On the heads of town folks
Awake and asleep
The ground shivered
And shook like a frightened
The moon was the
Red eye of an angry black bull
The earthquake cracked the world
In two
The fireworks stopped and no birds
Voices were lost as the cold wind
The world is empty
No one is around
Just a crack of a mouth
Smiling in the dusty ground.
0m 44s
Listen to Karolina recite her poem