My Mum through the gap in the door. I felt like a spy when I was taking this photo.
My baby cousin. He was chasing me and I like the shadow across his face; he looks kind of strange.
My cousin making a funny face. His nails grow really quickly so whenever we play I end up getting scratched.
My cousins and my Mum in our kitchen. I wanted to get the reflection on my black fridge.
My Mum cooking fairy cakes. She’s a very good cook and she makes really good tasting food.
My friend and my cousin playing on the PC. We all like playing games on the computer together; AQW is our favourite.
Years 1 and 2 eating Australian food. They were pretending they were on a plane flying to Australia for a holiday and some really believed they were.
My Mum driving passed KFC. I liked the bright patches of sunlight.
Years 1 and 2 reading newspapers on their flight. They really enjoyed pretending to be reading the newspapers.
Children from my class drumming. I wanted to catch their hands moving.

The spy
She had no idea
That I could even see her
Peering at my mother from around the corner
I am a secret under cover agent
Quite cautious and very patient
I wait with my camera
To steal their pictures
Load them on computers
So that I can keep the future
Then email them to my head spy agent office
Where they add their names to their secret list
0m 26s
Listen to recite his poem