My Mum in her bedroom. We were tidying up because my Mum had got a new bed.
My Mum cooking up some food for me to eat. I took it because it had the combination of my Mum doing something and her flag of Jamaica nails.
Me standing on my bed in the morning. This kind of went wrong because I wanted to photograph myself jumping with the camera on self-timer.
Me wearing my headscarf. I always wear a headscarf when I sleep when I’ve just got my hair done.
Me in my bedroom. I rested the camera on a little shelf to take this photo.
My friend running on the balcony. I play out a lot with my friends around the estate.
Me with my friends. I really like my friends, we have lots of fun together.
Packing up inside my church. Me and my Mum go to church most Sundays.
My friends playing out. I just told them their picture might go on the website and they were spinning round saying they were going to be famous.
This picture is of the Adventure Playground. I go to Adventure nearly every day to play and cook and make things.

The Way My Mum Remembers her Mum & Dad
She paints her nails to remember,
Her father and mother,
Who passed away last December,
Brought up in a dusty Jamaican street,
Playing kick-can in the rising heat,
This poem is a place they can still meet,
Her smile was a swaying hammock,
Hung between palm trees,
His laugh was Calypso music carried on the breeze,
Although she is very sad,
My Mum will always remember her Mum and Dad.
0m 29s
Listen to Jodine recite her poem