My sister outside our house. She was looking at something on the floor and I wanted to make the photo look like I was about to pick her up.
A close-up of my sister’s eye. When I took this picture I focused on the reflection from my sister’s eye.
My sister lying in bed pretending to be Sleeping Beauty. If you look closely you can see that she is holding a Magnum ice cream.
My sister getting a good night sleep. In the middle of the night I crept into her room and quickly snapped a photo before I woke her up.
My sister just getting out of bed at 7am. She began crying when she realized it was my day to play on the computer.
My sister watching television at grandpa’s house. I stood on a chair to take this picture and almost fell off.
My family posing for a picture on the sofa. I placed the camera on the coffee table and used the self-timer to take the photo.
My cat staring at me. I tried so many times to capture my cat in a picture but he always jumps at the camera.
This is a picture of me playing the piano. I placed the camera on the window sill and used the self-timer to capture me practicing.
This is a gun that I bought in Dalston. It is a BB gun that my grandpa taught me how to use.
This is a picture of the pocket on my shirt. For some reason my Auntie told me to take a picture of my pocket, so I did.
My Auntie making sure my sister finishes all her food. I found the perfect angle to take this picture by sitting on the bin.
My mum and Auntie waiting for the bus at Homerton Hospital. I jumped up onto the wall and took a photo before my Auntie saw me.

Down in the dark streets,
No children are playing,
But there’s a little girl stood alone,
And when you listen, she is saying
Someone get my mummy!
The big hand is back again,
It picks me up from my friends,
And puts me into unusual places,
Among strangers and unfamiliar faces,
Last week I was playing outside,
When the hand came and I didn’t have time to hide,
It dropped me in the middle of the moon,
And it disappeared, I was marooned,
I had to wait for the space shuttle to arrive,
I found it very difficult to survive,
The hand returned yesterday,
And put me screaming in a stack of hay,
I was almost eaten by a cow,
And the hand is hovering over me now,
Please don’t take me Mr Hand,
Don’t abandon me on a foreign land,
Don’t put me on stage with a bonkers rock band,
Don’t put me on a summit of a high mountain,
Or leave me alone in Ireland,
Or bury me in Sahara sand,
Or at the bottom of the Grand Canyon,
I will give you a million trillion grand,
Just leave me alone Mr Hand.
1m 00s
Listen to Damian recite his poem