My sister ironing her school uniform. I was trying to catch the blue light coming through the windows.
My Dad praying in our hallway. There were people in his room so he had to pray in the hallway.
Me in my dress and my favourite sandals. I was leaning against the wall and I took a photo looking down at my feet.
Outside the window on a rainy evening. I wanted to catch the relfections and show outside and inside at the same time.
A man riding his bike passed a car, really fast. People think the photo is of him falling off his bike but he’s just really blurry because he’s going so fast.
My brother’s football boots. I used the flash for this photo because I wanted them to be really bright and shiny.
Looking up from under a tree. I wanted to photograph this tree because I thought it looked like a slingshot.

Sshh! Be quiet!
We are hiding beneath the bed,
We have a dawning suspicion that if we leave we will be dead!
My sister can’t stop cleaning
She has to make sure everything is gleaming,
She has hovered under my eyelids,
The washing line is strung with wet wailing kids,
She has ironed and folded my mother,
She has thoroughly bleached my brother,
She has carefully washed the goldfish,
She has thrown away every dirty dish,
She has dusted the birds in the sky,
Now she wrapped the dog in Tupperware and plucked off every single hair,
At cleaning there is no greater master
Now she’s off cleaning a natural disaster!!
0m 21s
Listen to Awa recite her poem