This is a picture of broken glass taken from my bedroom window. When I took this picture I was focusing on all the different shapes that were created.
My friend stuck on the rock climbing wall. This picture was taken before school in the playground.
My friend posing in the middle of the road. She was looking at the person behind me when I took this picture.
A view of Kingsmead Estate from my 4th floor balcony. I wanted it to appear like I was floating.
A picture of my favourite beef burger. My brother and I had a race to see who could finish first.
My family shopping for suits at Next. I like this picture because all the faces are looking in different directions making an interesting pattern.
A picture of my Dad using a laptop in the living room. It is supposed to be my laptop but he always steals it.
Candles melting onto my birthday cake. My mum was taking a picture at the same time from the other side of the table.
My brother trying to get a good night sleep. To annoy him I turned the light on and snapped a picture while he was sleeping.
This is a picture of me struggling to wake up. My brother starts school earlier than me so he always wakes me up to annoy me.

The glass broke like the hearts of children
The little girl disappeared from the building
All you can see is broken glass
It looks like the little girl’s life has passed
Did she die or did she run away?
No one knows if she’s here to say
We don’t know if her mum is crying
Or is the picture just lying?
0m 21s
Listen to Athena recite her poem